
About us

LeslieLab is a young talented team enabling single-molecule resolution to help create and understand the next generation of medicines.

We’re always interested in recruiting excellent and motivated team players; we’d love to hear from you!

The unique equipment, technology, and expertise of the Leslie Lab provide all team members with an unparalleled environment in which to conduct research and launch their careers. Our research straddles pure and applied science with academic and industrial applications and partners, and trainees learn a range of valuable skills (e.g., physics and engineering, optics and microscopy, data analysis, modelling and computation, molecular biology and biochemistry) in a welcoming and collaborative environment.

Leslie Lab trainees have a strong track record of winning competitive scholarships (e.g., NSERC PGSD/CGSD, CREATE, and SURA/USRA), conference presentation and travel awards (e.g., Biophysics Society of Canada, Gordon Conference), and other honours. Some of our past team members have advanced to outstanding MD/PhD positions, postdoctoral fellowships, and tenure track positions, while others have pursued careers in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and computer science industries. We provide support for people from diverse backgrounds, including those traditionally underrepresented in STEM careers, and with diverse career aspirations.

Learn more about our current team members.

Open positions

To apply, please follow the links or send a cover letter and CV/resume to leslielab [at]